_ If
you are thinking of having a home built then you are probably already
in the process of one of your most important selections, choosing the
right builder. The quality of your new home as well as your comfort and peace of mind
through out the construction process both hinge on this one decision.
You are gong to need a builder who can respond quickly to questions or
concerns you might have weather it is pertaining to changing specs,
questions in regards to design, or just advice on item selection. You
will want to have confidence in the builder you have selected knowing
that you need not worry about anything pertaining to the construction in
regards to workmanship quality or detail. Choosing Baker Homes as your builder will leave you with full confidence allowing you to breeze through your day to
day life with only the worries of cosmetic selections knowing that
everything else is in good hands.

With Baker Homes you can use your own plans, choose from one of our plans, or work with one of our preferred local home architects to get exactly what you are looking for. A close relationship is established with the architect in the design between all parties to ensure the final draft is everything you need and have dreamed of at the price point you desire. Custom drawn plans tailored directly towards the client is one of the great advantages of working with a custom builder like Baker Homes.

If you are a realtor, trying to find a good fit for your client and also someone who you will be able to openly communicate with in a timely matter then rest assured both you and your client will be in good hands. Baker Homes welcomes all Realtors and has great working relations with many in the surrounding areas. Please call for more information about how I can satisfy you by delivering excellent service to both you and your client.